How to Resolve VSCode Remote SSH Connection Error?
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How to Resolve VSCode Remote SSH Connection Error?

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Are you tired of dealing with frustrating remote SSH connection errors in VSCode? Do you find yourself stuck in a vicious cycle of trial and error, trying to troubleshoot the issue only to end up with more questions than answers? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the ultimate guide to help you resolve those pesky connection errors and get back to coding in no time!

Understanding the Remote SSH Connection Error

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what’s causing the error in the first place. When you attempt to connect to a remote server using SSH in VSCode, the following components come into play:

  • VSCode (the client)
  • Remote server (the SSH host)
  • SSH protocol (the communication layer)
  • Network connectivity (the underlying infrastructure)

The error can occur at any of these levels, making it crucial to identify the root cause of the issue.

Here are some common causes of remote SSH connection errors in VSCode:

  • Incorrect SSH configuration or settings
  • Invalid or missing SSH keys
  • Firewall or network restrictions
  • Server-side issues or misconfigurations
  • VSCode extensions or plugin conflicts

Solution 1: Check SSH Configuration and Settings

Let’s start by verifying the SSH configuration and settings:

  1. Open the Command Palette in VSCode by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + P (macOS).
  2. Type “SSH: Select Interpreter” and select the correct SSH interpreter from the dropdown list.
  3. Check the SSH configuration file (~/.ssh/config on Linux/macOS or C:\Users\Username\.ssh\config on Windows) for any syntax errors or invalid configurations.
  4. Verify that the SSH port number is correctly specified in the configuration file or in the VSCode settings.
Host *
  User myusername
  Port 2222
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_private_key

In the above example, the SSH configuration file specifies the username, port number, and private key file.

Solution 2: Generate and Use SSH Keys

Next, let’s focus on SSH key management:

  1. Generate a new SSH key pair using a tool like PuTTYgen (Windows) or the built-in ssh-keygen command (Linux/macOS).
  2. Copy the public key and add it to the remote server’s authorized keys file (~/.ssh/authorized_keys).
  3. Save the private key in a secure location, such as the default ~/.ssh directory.
  4. In VSCode, update the SSH configuration to reference the correct private key file.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

In this example, we generate a new SSH key pair using the ssh-keygen command with the RSA algorithm and a 4096-bit key size.

Solution 3: Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Issues

Now, let’s investigate potential network connectivity issues:

  1. Verify that the remote server is reachable by pinging the server’s hostname or IP address.
  2. Check if there are any firewall or network restrictions blocking the SSH connection.
  3. Use the telnet command to test the SSH port connection:
telnet remote-server-hostname 2222

If telnet fails to establish a connection, it may indicate a network connectivity issue or firewall restriction.

Solution 4: Investigate Server-Side Issues

Next, let’s examine potential server-side issues:

  1. Check the remote server’s system logs for any error messages related to SSH connections.
  2. Verify that the SSH server is running and listening on the correct port.
  3. Ensure that the remote server’s SSH configuration is correct and matches the client-side configuration.
sudo systemctl status ssh

In this example, we check the status of the SSH server on a Linux system.

Solution 5: Disable VSCode Extensions and Plugins

Finally, let’s identify potential conflicts with VSCode extensions or plugins:

  1. Disable all VSCode extensions and plugins one by one to isolate the problematic extension.
  2. Check if the SSH connection works after disabling each extension or plugin.
  3. If you find the culprit, try updating or reinstalling the extension or plugin.
Extension/Plugin Status SSH Connection Result
Remote SSH Enabled Fails
Remote SSH Disabled Succeeds

In this example, we identify the Remote SSH extension as the culprit by disabling it and observing the successful SSH connection.


By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the remote SSH connection error in VSCode and establish a secure and reliable connection to your remote server. Remember to methodically troubleshoot the issue, starting from the SSH configuration and settings, and work your way up to identifying potential server-side issues or conflicts with VSCode extensions or plugins.

Happy coding, and may the coding forces be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with VSCode remote SSH connection errors? Worry not! We’ve got you covered.

Q1: Why does my VSCode remote SSH connection keep timing out?

A1: This could be due to SSH connection timeouts. Try increasing the `ServerAliveInterval` and `ServerAliveCountMax` values in your `~/.ssh/config` file. These settings help maintain the connection by sending keep-alive packets at regular intervals.

Q2: How do I resolve the “Permission denied” error while connecting to a remote server via SSH in VSCode?

A2: Make sure you have the correct permissions on the remote server. Check that the SSH private key has the correct permissions (600) and is in the correct location. You can also try regenerating the SSH keys and updating the `remote.SSH.configFile` setting in your VSCode settings.

Q3: What do I do if I’m getting a “Host Key Verification Failed” error when connecting to a remote server via SSH in VSCode?

A3: This error occurs when the host key has changed. Try deleting the known hosts file (`~/.ssh/known_hosts`) and reconnecting to the remote server. You can also update the `remote.SSH.showLoginTerminal` setting to `true` to view the login terminal and verify the host key.

Q4: How do I troubleshoot SSH connection errors in VSCode?

A4: Enable SSH debug logging by setting the `remote.SSH.logLevel` setting to `DEBUG`. This will provide more detailed error messages. You can also check the VSCode logs by running the `Developer: Toggle Developer Tools` command and inspecting the Console and Output panels.

Q5: Can I use a Bastion host or jump server to connect to a remote server via SSH in VSCode?

A5: Yes, you can! VSCode supports connecting to a Bastion host or jump server using SSH. Update your `remote.SSH.configFile` setting to include the Bastion host configuration, and then connect to the remote server via the Bastion host.